Threely and Other DIDs

At Threely, we harbor a steadfast conviction that current approaches to Web3 authentication and fiat integration fall short of fully onboarding users to the vast possibilities of the decentralized Web3 ecosystem. We refuse to accept the status quo of confining users to a single blockchain and compromising the composability of on-chain wallets. Instead, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of user onboarding and setting a new standard for seamless access to the more than 300 existing blockchain protocols, all while maintaining a superior user experience and fostering true wallet composability. Our philosophy is one of collaboration, not competition, as we strive to serve as a catalyst for growth across the world of Web3.

We are driven by a vision of a future where Web3 brings people and organizations together for a cause. By fostering collaboration and co-existence, we believe we can create an inclusive and diverse ecosystem for all parties involved. Below is a TLDR version of the Threely Identities platform in comparison to other Identity providers.

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