Broadcasts and Messaging

Low-code cross chain communication. WIP.

Cross-chain broadcasts and messaging is a functionality in development and will not be available immediately at launch.

Threely Super Layer enables a low-code, chain-agnostic data transportation (broadcasts, on-chain messages, alerts, and notifications) service to Threely Companion, partner blockchains' infrastructure, dApps, and wallets while retaining a set-and-forget developer experience.

Existing messaging and notifications protocols require hefty integration times, developer resources, often have strict payload requirements, and are only integrated by dApps via SDKs - making them relatively inaccessible to the masses.

Threely enables a low-code, flexible data transportation layer that can be used in peer-to-peer and dApp-to-user communication. This enables messages to and from your friends, a DAO you're a part of, a dApp you're connected with, and more by using our GUI dashboard or plug-and-play APIs.

This enables the first-ever end-user cross-chain data exchange service, a service that previously only experienced developers could utilize. Sending transactions from Chain A to B, messaging from Chain X to Y, requesting payments from Chain C to D - anything is possible and now accessible to anybody.

All data, whether public or private, is transported using Threely Super Layer, where Threely Networks Layer acts as a decentralized computational unit that translates cross-chain data into Threely readable format and prepares the transported payload to be communicated to the Access Data Store where it is stored using secure encryption, powered with granular level access control to individual messages and payloads to be sent and received. Read more about data security.

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Last updated